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DSC_0153No, I’m not in Phoenix.  But it turns out that’s where the customer service reps for Cigna hang out.

I’m no fan of insurance companies, and today, I sat through endless menus, and got disconnected  twice, while waiting for a rep to talk to, just at the very moment someone was supposed to pick up.  I was beginning to think it was part of their grand scheme.  But I persisted and dialed again, a third time, because I was helping a family member sort through complex problems involving finances, claims, a new insurance plan, preferred providers, co-pays…you know, all the usual stuff we do now instead of exercising, planning healthy meals, meditating…well, you get the point.

The last thing I expected when I finally got through to a live voice was a human being.  A human who listened to my questions, took inordinate amounts of time to thoroughly research the information before giving me answers, who went out of her way to do everything possible to help – of which she was successful .  In short, she acted on our behalf, treating me with respect and dignity and fairness.

So to my Everyday Angel – “Michelle” from Phoenix – a big thank you for being a humane human.  I realize you are one in a million and Someone must have shed a whole big lot of mercy on me after so much frustration with other business matters earlier.  You were an angel.

I will never forget your last words:  “Is there anything else you have questions about, while I am on the line?”

Only this – can you clone yourself?

Published inThoughts from ME

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