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        NEW events:

Book Signing!

Brain Tumor: A Love Story – inspiring, honest, funny, tragic, and everything in between – just like their personal journey, following Ted’s diagnosis of brain cancer. Written by Kathy and her late husband, Ted White, MD.


Not Even Dark Chocolate Can Fix This Mess – a humor novel (Kathy’s 1st novel, in its 10th printing!)

(9/10/24 Private Event)

NEXT public event:

Fryeburg Fair!

When: Sunday, 9/29/24 from 3pm-9pm     

Where: the Craft Center @ Fryeburg Fair, Fryeburg, Maine



SAT., OCT. 5, 12noon – 2pm

Freeport Festival – at LLBean –

Freeport, Maine at the MAP Tent 

Kathy’s signing is from 2-4pm, but there will be other MAP authors and lots of crafts and FUN!


Coming soon – Maine Harvest Festival – details forthcoming!