WHAT?!?!? Are you kidding me? In the present holiday adaptation of multi-tasking, I sat myself in the comfortable chair in front of the TV, heating…
WHAT?!?!? Are you kidding me? In the present holiday adaptation of multi-tasking, I sat myself in the comfortable chair in front of the TV, heating…
Oh, not again. I thought I was done with peer pressure. I thought I had evolved. I thought I had a mind of my own. …
It is early June in Maine. The grass is green, the vegetable plants are starting to raise their new little heads from our garden soil, and the ads on TV for the plethora of gubernatorial primary candidates are blaring.
I’m sick of it already. (Not the garden part.) I find no problem with the large numbers of folks making a bid for office. They range from the possibly-too-political to the novice businessperson, and who knows? Maybe there’s a gem in there somewhere. It seems every candidate for governor uses the same tired phrases over and over again, some of which we hear so often that we don’t even stop – to think – if it makes sense.
Here’s the latest one that sends me flying